Thursday, November 5, 2015

What I Remember from School...

I didn't much like school while I was in it. I worked hard, showed up to classes, and got great grades; but I didn't enjoy it. I do, however, think back to my college classes, often (both at Brevard Community College and Florida State University) - especially specific teachers (some who liked me, and a few who seemed to hate me) who had notable impacts on my life. There are two, in particular, who always come to mind.

Mrs. Elko (who, as best I could tell, did not like me at all), taught me the value of the written word. I'd never understood it or appreciated it, until she described it in a way that suddenly made perfect sense to me. I had hated poetry before that day; but, in an instant, poetry was transformed into one of the grandest gifts I'd ever received - all because of one teacher who appreciated poetry and wanted her students to experience the joy it brought her. I had two semesters with Mrs. Elko; and, if it's possible, I think she hated me more the second semester than the first. But by the end of that year, I knew that I wanted to be a writer (in whatever capacity that might be).

The other teacher, Mr. Roberts, saw something in me that I did not even see in myself. At a time when I felt very small and unimportant, he saw someone who was going places. I still remember him telling me, "If you ever need a reference - for anything - look me up. I'll give them all kinds of reasons why they should choose you." He probably doesn't remember me, today; but I remember him.

This is just me reminiscing, if I'm being honest. I don't have an agenda in writing this... but I can make one. So here it is:

You have the power, through your words, to influence the lives of others - whether you know about it or not. So use that power wisely.

"Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose." - Proverbs 18:21 (MSG)